CDC Warning Spread Of Coronavirus In US Is Inevitable
Everyone seems to have varying degrees of concern about the current Coronavirus situation. Some are scared, some don't believe it is as bad as the media says it is, and others don't think it is bad enough to worry about in the United States. The CDC would like to tell you all that it is bad, and it will inevitably become a bigger issue in the United States. They don't say we should be terrified and run to our underground bunkers, but we should prepare for the virus to cause a disruption in our lives.
The CDC says that the virus is rapidly evolving and spreading and it isn't a matter of 'if' it will be spread in the United States but a matter of 'when'. Currently more than 400 people have been tested for the virus with only 14 testing positive in the US. The virus is not currently spreading through the United States, but they are warning Americans to prepare to have less 'in-person' interaction. Kids may need to be kept at home and business meeting may need to happen via screens, according to a report by KTVB. The virus originated in China and has spread to 37 countries across the globe. The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak a 'public health emergency of international concern'.
The coronavirus has been a topic of discussion in Idaho. One man who died was tested for the virus and a Buhl resident was quarantined on a cruise ship due to the virus. Learn more about the coronavirus and its potential impact on the CDC website.

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