How Will Idaho Be Affected By Trumpcare Changes
I can't even pretend to understand the changes that are happening in The White House right now. I do know that according to the info from this map Idaho is definitely going to be affected by the new Trumpcare changes.
It isn't all bad news though for us here in Idaho. WalletHub has gathered info on what the new health care changes will be and who they will most affect based on subsidies and for the 3 big cities in Idaho - Boise ranked at 176 out of 435 cities, Meridian at 242, and Nampa at 122. So, Nampa is highest on the list and doesn't have a negative subsidy - it is actually around $700 higher than with Obamacare.
That seems like good news to me as long as the dollar numbers aren't in the negative. If you know numbers and want to learn more about the proposed changes, make sure to check out the article by WalletHub and let us know what you think.
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