7 Gift Ideas You Only Understand if You Live in the Magic Valley
Some people are annoyed by this, but I love it: when you ask someone what they want for Christmas and they say they don't know or don't care. That means I can't go wrong. I can get them a ridiculous gift or an awesome gift and they can't say anything against it. I love a free pass to buy random stuff. If you get a deck of cards, a bag of Skittles, a used toilet I got for free on Facebook Marketplace, and a back scratcher because you didn't give me a better idea, then you are welcome.
Gift Ideas For People In The Magic Valley
If you have that 'hard to buy for' person on your list and you don't want to drop hundreds of dollars on the cool stuff I found recently on the Twin Falls Facebook Marketplace, that's understandable. If you also don't have any other ideas, let me offer a few more reasonable gifts that are perfect for someone living in the Magic Valley.

Magic Valley Christmas Present Ideas
In fact, these gifts might only make sense to someone who lives here or has lived here before.
- CSI Gear - You have a lot of options for CSI gear, but if you give it to someone who isn't from around here they may not understand. In most other places CSI makes people think of the Crime Scene Investigation TV series.
- Cloverleaf Creamery Eggnog - If you need a gift for an eggnog lover, you can't go wrong with the delicious creation from Cloverleaf.
- Perrine Bridge Key Chain - Anyone who isn't from around here has probably never heard of the Perrine Bridge and most definitely can't pronounce the name correctly.
- Evel Knievel Memorabilia - I'm sure a lot of people think Knievel was a failure, but we know better. We proudly claim our fame that he chose Twin Falls as his famous stunt site.
- Stinker Station gift card - When I moved here, I thought Stinker was an odd (and hilarious) name for a gas station. Give a Stinker gift to anyone who doesn't live here and they'll probably think it's a joke.
- Idaho Lottery Tickets - Everyone loves winning money, especially when they win money on lottery tickets that they didn't have to buy.
- Lift tickets to Magic Mountain Ski Resort - When I learned about Magic Mountain in the South Hills, I was a little confused. When I moved here, I had just gone to Six Flags Magic Mountain in California, and I was a little hopeful there was a similar amusement park here. Though completely different both Magic Mountain locations are awesome.
UPDATE: 12/2122: Some of the items on the link to the Facebook Marketplace story have sold. Sorry if you missed out on them.
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