Police Pull Over a Guy Who’s So Drunk He Confuses His Hearing Aid For a Cigarette and Tries To Light and Smoke It
Here's a story of good intentions gone bad. THIS is also a story of what happens when you tuck a cigarette behind your ear for later . . . then get so drunk that you lose all logic, reason, and basic motor skills.
--Last week, police saw 53-year-old David Wagner of Jensen, Florida swerving in his Saturn. They pulled him over and found that he was drunk. REALLY drunk.
--And this was the big sign. At one point it seems he reached for the cigarette behind his ear . . . grabbed his HEARING AID out of his ear instead . . . didn't realize it . . . then tried to LIGHT and SMOKE his hearing aid.
--After a cop pointed that out, David admitted he'd had, quote, "way too much" to drink: He said he put down about half a bottle of Jagermeister.
--He wasn't at a bar either. He was actually out on a mission to buy a chocolate milkshake for his wife because she'd had some teeth removed earlier that day.
--He was arrested and charged with DUI.
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