Only In Your State has put together what they consider the scariest road trip that you can take in Idaho. It starts near Pocatello and continues all the way through the northern part of the state. There is only one location in Twin Falls that made this list. Hazard a guess at which one it might be?

with all the reports of eerie sensations, inexplicable chills, and strange apparitions, many believe it is one of these prisoners who still haunts the halls

Give yourself a cookie if you said the Twin Falls Courthouse. But, why? Here's the answer from Only In Your State:

Built in 1911, the courthouse used to house prisoners on its top floor. When a new prison opened, all of the inmates were moved... but one presence still clearly haunts the building today. Multiple former inmates hanged themselves prior to the move, and with all the reports of eerie sensations, inexplicable chills, and strange apparitions, many believe it is one of these prisoners who still haunts the halls

This one caught me by surprise. I've heard about the Herald building in Buhl and several other locations where strange stuff has occurred. But, the courthouse never came up in conversation before now.

Do you agree? If so, do you have stories to share? Or, did the Only In Your State people get this one all wrong?

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