Utah Business Allegedly Makes Sick Employees Continue Working
Every business has been forced to make a lot of decisions during this pandemic. Some businesses have made the tough decisions to close their doors for a time while others have made the equally tough decision to stay open while deciding how to operate with a smaller staff of employees. But in Utah we get a story from the 'What not to do' category. A few businesses in Utah are under fire for remaining open during the pandemic and forcing their employees to continue working even if they had tested positive for coronavirus. The Daily Herald reported that two businesses in Utah told their employees to ignore the coronavirus guidelines. That ignorance resulted in 68 positive cases of COVID-19 which included about half the staff of one of the businesses.
Officials will not be releasing the names of those affected or the businesses in question due to privacy concerns. Health officials were able to narrow down the cause of the coronavirus outbreak in the area using contact tracing.
As Idaho begins to reopen and allow less restrictions on businesses and residents, it is still just as important to social distance yourself when out in public. The city of Twin Falls is preparing for Phase 2 of Rebound Idaho, which includes allowing indoor recreational facilities to reopen and restaurants to begin allowing limited numbers of dine-in customers.

KEEP READING: Learning From Mistakes During the Spanish Flu
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