Which Child Friendly Halloween Movie Is Idaho’s Favorite
I learned this week that Gremlins may not be the best scary movie to show to kids, especially my two little 8 year olds.
Good thing there are other options that fall into the Halloween movie category other than actual scary movies. There are a lot of fun scary movies too. Frontier Communications has a map (as seen above) that shows what each state is looking for when it comes to not giving their kids nightmares, while still giving them a little bit of spooky viewing. Idaho's favorite Halloween movie for kids is Hotel Transylvania 2...which is kind of weird (or spooky) that the first Hotel Transylvania isn't on the list at all?
I'm going to use the map as a list of must see movies before Halloween (except for Gremlins because it is on that list and there is no way I'm trying that again).
Do you have a favorite Halloween movie to watch with your kids and is it on the list?
Have your kids seen the Thriller music video yet? Here it is for your enjoyment!