Nerd Out at Gem State Comic Con in Boise this Spring
Being called a nerd used to be an insult and a bad thing, but in today's world, it is more of a compliment. Everyone seems to be a nerd these days. It is hard to find someone that doesn't like Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Marvel, or another superhero series. They seem to be everywhere and the whole world is nerdy these days, and there is nothing wrong with that. For all the nerds out there, there is an event coming to Idaho in a couple of weeks that you are not going to want to miss.
Gem State Comic Con in Boise
Gem State Comic-Con will be taking place in Boise on Saturday, April 9, at the Expo Center from 10 AM until 5 PM. Tickets are $11 for people 13 and up if bought online before the event, or $20 at the door the day of the event. Kids 12 and under are free. If the whole family wants to go there will be a family package that is $35 for four people 13 and up. If you bought tickets in 2019 or 2020 and were unable to use them last year, then they will be honored for the event this year.
What is Gem State Comic-Con?
Gem State Comic-Con will be a convention for comics, movies, superheroes, and much more. There will be special guests, vendors, and a ton of to see, do, and buy. Some of the guests this year include, Carey Tagawa, who played Shang Tsung in the original Mortal Kombat movie, as well as voices him in the video games. Some may also remember him as the grandpa from, the Disney movie "Johnny Tsunami." With Tagawa will also be Reb Brown who played Captain America back in the 70s. There will be many more guests as well.

Many of us will never be able to make it to the Comic-Con in San Diego, but going to the Gem State one is a pretty good alternative. There will be plenty to see, plenty to do, and the price is good. Plan out your costume and dress up as your favorite superhero, Star Wars character, Star Trek character, or whoever you want to be, and make sure to get to the Gem State Comic-Con next week in Boise.
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