This Is How You Could Get Money From Equifax – Just Search Your Name
Back in September of 2017, the personal information of about 147 million people was hacked during an Equifax data breach. Now, nearly two years later there is a class action settlement in the works to help get monetary restitution for those affected. The Equifax Breach Settlement website has a simple way to find out if you are eligible to be part of the settlement. Simply click the Find Out If Your Information Was Impacted button and enter the necessary information.
If you enter your information you will either be told you are eligible or are not. Once you have that information you will be able to continue the process of getting your share of the settlement or choose to do nothing. If eligible and you choose to do nothing you won't be able to get any money but you will still have access to free Identity Restoration Services. If you choose to be part of the settlement you'll be eligible for part of the $380,500,000 in restitution and fees. Eligible class members will either receive $125 or Free Credit Monitoring services. Nearly $80,000,000 will go to the lawyers in the settlement.