New Improvements at Twin Falls Park Will Make it So Much Better
Going outdoors in Twin Falls, but staying close to home, is an easy thing to do because there are so many great parks with play areas, shade, open-grassy fields, and picnic pavilions and benches. But there are only a few that offer all those features plus access to water for boating, fishing, and kayaks. Centennial Park is one of those and the other is the Twin Falls Power Plant Park. Both of those are amazing places with serious parking issues, but the Power Plant Park is about to step up and make a few much-needed improvements.
A Wider Road is Exactly What this Popular Twin Falls Park Needs
The lower section of the Twin Falls Park has been closed, starting this week, so that Idaho Power can do one of the things this park has always needed - they are making the road 2 lanes. The lower section of the road, especially heading down to the boat dock, is currently a nightmare for big vehicles and those pulling trailers. Idaho Power is also building a new stairway to get from the park down to the boat ramp. The work is expected to take until the end of the 2023 year.
New Improvements at Twin Falls Park will Make it the Best in the Area
There isn’t any mention of upgrades to the parking area, but the Twin Falls Park needs a similar rule to Centennial Park with designated parking for vehicles with trailers. I’ve gone down there many times with a boat and kayak trailers only to find the parking lot across from the docks filled with small cars. If they widen the road to the dock and designate parking for trailers, Twin Falls Power Plant Park could become one of the best parks in the area.

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