This is something that will never end: people are still confusing the new Starlink Satellites as alien UFO ships. Last night a line of satellites flew over Twin Falls and social media sites blew up with questions and comments about the sightings. Even people who know about the Starlink company and the SpaceX ventures still question some of the sightings. If you haven't seen a train of Starlink Satellites run across the sky it is definitely a weird sight. If you have seen them then you know why some people are still skeptical.

How Can I Tell If It's a UFO or a Satellite?

There are websites dedicated to helping us see the Starlink satellites and SpaceX rockets as they zip across the sky.

  • Find - this site will let you type in your location and will generate a list of times and locations near you to see a Starlink Satellite as it passes overhead. Tonight (May 5th, 2021) around 9:56, 10:21, and 10:36 PM you should be able to see three specific satellites, according to their list. They also have a live map that shows each of them.
  • Satellite Map from - this map is pretty crazy to look at as it shows all the satellites surrounding the Earth right now. There are a lot of them.

Why Was There a Train of Satellites Last Night?

On Star Wars Day, May 4th 2021, Falcon 9 launched 60 new satellites into space. The goal of the satellites is to provide internet to Earth. Currently the service isn't available everywhere, but you can check on their site to see where it is being used.

What Were People Saying About the Sighting Last Night?

One of the posts I saw was on Facebook in the Rants and Raves Twin Falls Area group. To see the full post and comments you have to join the private group. Some comments were helpful stating that it was the 60 new satellites and other comments blamed Californians.

UFO SkyLink credit Facebook
UFO SkyLink credit Facebook

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