It turns out that your Zodiac sign may be different than you thought - which might be great if you don't like todays horoscope.

--Astronomers in Minnesota took the zodiac and adapted it based on the way the Earth's axis was shifted during the Babylonian period, when it was created.  That threw off all of the dates when the sun is in each zodiac constellation's "house."

--So . . . if you want to believe today's scientists, here's the way that Zodiac signs are ACTUALLY supposed to break down . . .

--Capricorn:  January 20th to February 16th.

--Aquarius:  February 16th to March 11th.

--Pisces:  March 11th to April 18th.

--Aries:  April 18th to May 13th.

--Taurus:  May 13th to June 21st.

--Gemini:  June 21st to July 20th.

--Cancer:  July 20th to August 10th.

--Leo:  August 10th to September 16th.

--Virgo:  September 16th to October 30th.

--Libra:  October 30th to November 23rd.

--Scorpio:  November 23rd to December 17th.

--Sagittarius:  December 17th to January 20th.

A recent Harris Poll found that 31 percent of Americans believe in astrology. They're wrong -- although not necessarily in the way their detractors might cite.

The ancient Babylonians based zodiac signs on the constellation the sun was "in" on the day a person was born. During the ensuing millenniums, the moon's gravitational pull has made the Earth "wobble" around its axis, creating about a one-month bump in the stars' alignment.

The result?

"When [astrologers] say that the sun is in Pisces, it's really not in Pisces," said Parke Kunkle, a board member of the Minnesota Planetarium Society.

Indeed, most horoscope readers who consider themselves Pisces are actually Aquarians. So instead of being sensitive, humane and idealistic, they actually are friendly, loyal and inventive.

Or not.

There is no physical connection between constellations and personality traits, said Kunkle, who teaches astronomy at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. "Sure, we can connect harvest to the stars," he said. "But personality? No."

Astronomers have pooh-poohed astrology from the get-go, but Kunkle hedged when asked if astrology can bring people to his science.

"Historically, people looked at the sky to understand the world around us," he said. "But today I don't think people who are into astrology look at the sky very much."

But they do look at horoscopes. And now they have an explanation for why a day might not have turned out exactly as predicted.

via The stars might not actually be aligned in your favor |

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