Is It Legal For Businesses To Require Customers Wear Masks?
Something we have heard quite a bit during the coronavirus pandemic are complaints that the rules and restrictions aren't fair and infringe on our rights as Americans. Being told to stay home as much as possible and enjoy your couch was too much to ask of some people. Even if it meant it was helping save lives there were some who felt oppressed. There were even stories about the need to wear a mask so Bigfoot didn't die of COVID-19 complications. Now, as Idaho continues to rebound with the easing of restrictions and opening of previously closed businesses there are still complaints. Now people don't want to wear masks when they go out in public. But other than staying in your house, wearing a mask might be the next easiest thing you can do to keep your germs to yourself. The reasons vary from person to person, but if you go in most businesses you'll see a mix of masked and non-masked people.

Some businesses have stepped up their rules to either force or politely request that customers to wear masks as a safety precaution. Costco announced in early May that they would be requiring customers to wear masks in their stores. It was also announced that masks would be required in Southern Idaho courts along with enforcement of social distancing guidelines. Just to enter the Lagoon Amusement Park in Utah you have to wear a mask. Some restaurants are even requesting that their customers wear a mask when in line or ordering food and that request is perfectly legal. As long as the rule applies to everyone and isn't based on gender, race, age, religion, or a disability businesses can use their right to refuse service, according to CBS.
COVID-19 Mask Options
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