I must confess that I did not know that there are homes for sale on Twin Falls Craigslist. These aren't scary, broken down houses that look like they could be the childhood home of Norman Bates, either. We're talking beautiful homes like this one which is situated right next to the rim of the Snake River Canyon.

This prime place features 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a 3 vehicle garage. There's even a separate residence with kitchen over the garage. If you like the idea of having the master suite overlooking the Canyon, you need to check this one out.

The Collins Connection are the listing agents on this home. The current asking price is $695,000. That's way above my spending limit by about $694,000. But, if you have the coin, hard to beat the view. Plus, you'll have the pleasure of telling your friends you found it on Twin Falls Craigslist.

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