What Is The Best Idaho Slang Word
Before your mind goes straight to the gutter, a slang word doesn't have to be a cover for a dirty word.
According to Buzzfeed users, 'RIG' is the best Idaho slang word. In most states rig is a reference to a big truck, like a semi. But, in Idaho a rig can be basically any vehicle bigger than a Honda Civic. I do think it's pretty weird that in Idaho people call their SUV's a truck. I also think 'Dairy Air' is pretty good Idaho slang too but Utah has us beat when it comes to weird slang words.
I grew up in Utah and we used to 'sluff' school. I didn't know until just a few years ago that NOBODY ELSE says sluff when they skip classes at school.
Are there any other good (and work appropriate) Idaho slang words?