What would you do? What would you do if you had time off work due to COVID or some other illness, and you began to feel better? You work hard all year long, you rarely take time off, and when you finally do you are sick and can't enjoy it. After a few days you begin to feel better and know they need you back at work, but do you let them know? Many of us go above and beyond for our jobs that we often sacrifice time with our families, and time for ourselves, and we find that we don't take enough time off. Once you get that time off, it is kind of nice to turn off your work brain and enjoy binge-watching a show, playing a video game, or getting some much-needed sleep. You finally feel better, and know you could go back to work, but do you wait another day or two to enjoy some "you" time instead?

Getting COVID and Forced to Take Time Off in Idaho


When COVID hits, it is unfortunate. It makes you feel like garbage, you are forced to take time off work, and it drains your will to live. While the sleep is nice, the cost it comes at is not. Even if you don't have COVID, you are forced to take time off usually these days, because most people assume the worst. You rest, you puke, you sneeze, you cough, and you struggle through the time at home as you fight the disease you have and work goes on, waiting for you to return. After a couple of days, you begin to feel better and that is where the decision is. Do you let work know you feel like you can make it through a workday or do you decide to stay home and rest a tad longer, enjoy binge-watching a show, a movie marathon, playing video games, or perhaps get stuff done around the house you have put off for too long. It is a moral dilemma, but when do you notify work you are good to come back?

How Long Do You Take Off Work For COVID?

Credit: Tai's Captures on Unsplash
Credit: Tai's Captures on Unsplash

When COVID hits, it use to be 10 days minimum off of work, but as time has gone on companies have begun to change their rules. I am no longer sure what the actual protocol is, but if you test positive and have symptoms you must stay home. A cough can linger for months, but you can't miss months of work, and a test can go from positive to negative in four or five days. Typically the first few days will put someone in bed and they will sleep heavily, but after that, each person has different symptoms and reactions. Once you begin feeling better, do you contact work right away or do you wait another day, two days, or longer before letting them know? Depending on how your paid leave works, may depend on your answer. At the beginning of the pandemic, many companies had COVID leave, but that seems to be gone. If you are not getting paid, you may rush back, but if you have the time off do you stretch it to enjoy some rest at home?

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It is tough to know what to do. Sometimes the extra day may be selfish and wrong, but it may be beneficial for you and your coworkers. If you can afford the time off and it won't hurt your wallet, then I say take another day to relax before heading back. Depending on where you are at in the week can play a factor as well. If you are set to return to work on Thursday or Friday, it might be better to take the extra days and have four days at home feeling better before returning to work on Monday. Not telling work you are better won't stop business, but will allow you to get more strength and enjoy some time at home without being stuck in bed or on the couch. The next time you take off work sick or find yourself home with COVID when you begin feeling better do you notify work right away or wait another day or two? What would you do? 

Red Flags For Twin Falls, ID

Little Free Library Locations In Twin Falls

There are at least six of these cut little libraries around Twin Falls where you can either take a book for free or leave a book for someone else.

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