8 Positives to Getting COVID in Idaho in 2022
It has now been three years and counting since COVID made its debut and came out of hell to sweep the world. It has cost many their jobs, family members, friends, money and has left many with side effects from having had it. For many that have had it, you know how bad it was, especially in the beginning. As time has gone on, it seems the disease is killing less and people have symptoms for shorter periods than before. It is still not something you want to get, but as things have progressed, I have concluded that there may be some positives to getting COVID in 2022. This disease has ruined families and is not to be taken lightly, but here are some of the positives to look at if you do end up with COVID.
Finally Catching Up On Sleep
Many of us go, go, go and find ourselves over tired. You say you will catch up on the weekends, but you never do. One of the nice things about COVID is it will put you on your butt and force you to sleep. Often, when people have it they sleep the entire first or second day if not both. A nice long 16 to 20-hour nap is never a bad thing when sick, and is actually what you need, but also helps you get that rest you have been lacking in everyday life.
Binge Watching the Shows You Have Missed
With such a busy schedule in life, it is often hard to find time to catch up on shows you enjoy. Recently Netflix has released Umbrella Academy, and Stranger Things, and Disney has had Obi-Won come out as well as Doctor Strange. Those are just some of the new shows and movies, but perhaps you are behind on your weekly shows as well. With COVID limiting what you can do, it allows for the perfect time to be a couch potato and to catch up on some much-needed binge-watching.
No Smelling Dirty Diapers or Nasty Smells
For those that have kids, sometimes deniability is the best way to get out of changing your youngest. One of the many side effects of COVID is losing your smell and when you can't smell you won't know when your little one did their business. If there are dirty dishes, or someone smells, you are missing out on the stink. It is odd not being able to smell anything, but it does have its benefits as well.
Taking the Time Off You Refuse to Take
Sometimes being a workhorse can wear you down and you need a break from your everyday routine, but taking off isn't in your nature. We all need a few days away from the office to mentally recharge and sometimes physically recharge as well. While COVID won't help you physically feel better it will allow you to get out of the office for a few days and maybe up to a week. The time away can help you feel rejuvenated when you go back and feel less burned out. If you won't take time off, COVID will make you.
COVID Helps You Lose Weight
I tested positive for COVID late in 2021 and after having it for only eight days, I had lost twenty pounds. While most cases are not that extreme, especially anymore, when you have it you will lose most of your appetite. Losing weight from COVID is common and it will come off fairly quickly. Odds are most of it will come back once you begin eating normal again, but seeing the scale go down can often be encouraging and the push you need to try and keep it off. It is not a healthy way to lose weight, but it is effective.
Avoid Unwanted Neighbors and People
For those that have an annoying neighbor, coworker, or friend that they can't stand seeing, COVID gives you a great excuse to not have to see them for a short time. With the disease being so contagious and it being highly encouraged to stay away from anyone not living in the home, it is a nice time to relax and avoid all people. The time away from people you don't want to see makes for a relaxing time and allows you to enjoy being sick just a tad.
You Save Money Staying Home
Being confined to your home means you aren't going to go out to the movies, for dinner, or spend money doing other activities. With your appetite gone you also are unlikely to need to make a grocery store run or to be craving fast food, so you will save money on eating out as well. With little to no eating and no activities, as long as you are using sick pay at work, you will be saving money while resting at home. The little bit of extra money you save will be nice to have and is like a reward for being sick.
Quality Time With Your Fuzzy Friends
Since you are going to be spending so much time in bed, on the couch, and watching television shows or movies, there is no reason you can't spend some quality time cuddling with your furry friends. Often we feel guilty while at work away from them, and with nothing to do and nowhere to go, this is the perfect time to make up for lost time cuddling. Nothing will make you feel better quicker than having your furry cuddle buddy by your side to cheer you up. Enjoy being home with them, because nobody is happier you are sick than your fuzzy companion.

While nobody is seeking to get COVID and some risks make not getting it worth it, that doesn't mean there aren't positives to having it. When you first find out you have COVID it may seem like a bad thing, but try to find the good and make it as enjoyable an experience as you can. You get to spend time at home resting, watching movies, losing weight, and enjoying your pets and family. Try to avoid getting it as best you can and take all necessary precautions, but if you do find yourself with a positive COVID test, know that some good things will come out of your recovery process.
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