A fatal accident in northern Idaho claimed 1 life and shut down the highway for 2 hours while emergency crews responded to and investigated the accident.

The Idaho State Police reported the accident on their website in a news release on Tuesday evening. ISP responded to the fatal crash at approximately 1:30 PM near mile marker 28 on State Highway 11 in Clearwater County.

According to the initial investigation and report from the Idaho State Police, a 65-year-old female from Weippe was driving a 2005 Buick Century. The woman was driving northbound on the highway, left her lane, and collided with a 2016 GMC Sierra driven by a 55-year-old male from Pierce.

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The crash sent the driver of the GMC to the hospital and the female driver succumbed to her injuries at the site of the accident.

The accident is being investigated by the Idaho State Police.

A 2005 Buick Century, driven by a 65-year-old female from Weippe, Idaho, was traveling northbound on SH11 when the Buick crossed left of center and collided with a 2016 GMC Sierra - ISP Report

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The accident on January 21st is the 4th fatal crash reported by Idaho State Police in 2025 on Idaho highways.

READ MORE: The 40 Worst Personalized Idaho License Plate rejections in 2024

40 of the Funniest Inappropriate Idaho License Plate Rejections from 2024

Personalized license plates can get rejected for a variety or reasons, and many are obvious as you'll see in the gallery. Plates can't be vulgar, offensive, hateful, profane, or include drug references.
DISCLAIMER - these plates were rejected for a reason. You may be offended by them and it isn't too late to turn back.

Gallery Credit: Credit N8

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