More Idaho Houses Have Dogs Than Any Other State
Having a pet can be a lot of work, though some pets are easier to take care of than others. If you get a cat, you've chosen a fuzzy critter that couldn't care less if you are around. If you choose a dog then you have chosen a pet that is more needy than a room full of toddlers. You have also chosen wisely because dogs are awesome and most Idaho houses have chosen to keep a dog as a pet. That's according to data collected by the American Veterinary Medical Association over a five year study. They found that 58.3 percent of Idaho homes have a dog which is well above the national average of 38.4. The CDA Press says Montana comes in a distant second with only 51.9 percent of homes owning a dog.
The AVMA claims there are nearly 77 million dogs in the United states packed into about 48 million homes for an average of 1.6 dogs per house. This new study goes in stark contrast to the study from last year that had Idaho in the bottom five dog loving states. Does that mean we have a lot of dogs but don't like them?
Remember to license your dogs if you have them at the Twin Falls Animal Shelter each year. If you don't have a dog (or a cat) and would like to add to our prestige as the most homes with dogs you can always check out the adoptable pets at the Twin Falls Animal Shelter through our site.

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