Right Now Is A Magical Time To See The Shoshone Falls
There are a lot of opportunities to see the Shoshone Falls with high flows. The problem is that there are also a lot more times when you can see it with just a trickle of water.
I think that is why most of us get excited to hear that there is water flowing. We expect it from the Shoshone Falls but we know that it isn't always that way. So, when we hear that there is a substantial amount of water going over we flock to the canyon to see it.
Right now is one of those times. You can even see in the live video feed of the Shoshone Falls that there is a good mist rising out of the canyon (always a good sign) and a lot of water going over the edge. Plus with warmer weather heading our way it should be easier to actually get down to the waterfall overlook.
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